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Eden Succulents

About The Site

Growing and caring for succulents can be super fun! So, let’s enjoy the job. Not only are we going to raise some of the most amazing succulents we are going to have fun doing it. I love coming up with new ways to hack the problems. Share your thoughts. We’ve Got This!



So… What Can You Expect From

We plan on providing current, up to date, and accurate information on this site. Most of this information is going to be provided in a way that can be referenced and shared with others. We will simply do the best we can to give you information that matters. Keeping this site positive and friendly is our goal for us and our readers. Please do not be negative with each other as we feel that it takes the focus away from what we are trying to do.

So, get ready for a realistic approach to having fun while growing succulents. We will be learning the skills and theory to do it in style.  

If you get 1 thing out of this site, we hope it is the skills and confidence to take your hobby to the next level!