Succulents are a favorite among plenty of gardeners. They are beautiful and enduring. Succulents can live in different weather conditions. They are the ideal plants for dry areas because they can store water in their stems, leaves, and roots.
I am sure you want to know the proper way of transplanting succulents. The good news is repotting succulents is very easy when done properly. Knowing the right way to transplant succulents is very important if you want to have a better chance of success and a healthy and stable succulent.
Each succulent is different from one another. Hence, you have to handle them differently. Try to recognize the succulents vulnerability as well as its potential hazards. For instance, you must be very careful when handling cactus because they have very sharp edges. Here is a simple guide that can help you in transplanting your succulents.
What Are Things That You Need?
Before you can start repotting your succulents, you need to prepare all the things that you need, including a pot or a container, potting soil, water as well as the succulent that you will be transplanting. To keep your hands safe, we also recommend that you wear a pair of gardening gloves. Here are the steps on how to transplant your succulent.
Prepare Your Pot
You need to fill your pot or container with a pre-mixed succulent soil. This can be bought at any local home improvement store. You can also choose to make your soil by mixing potting soil and perlite. If you are transplanting your succulent to a bigger planter, then make sure that there is enough space for your succulent to grow and stabilize.
Take Out The Succulent
Once you have finished preparing your new planter, you have to take your succulent out of its present pot. Take note on how far down the succulent is planted as you will want to mirror this when you place the succulent in the new pot. The proper way of doing this is to loosen the soil around the edge of the container and to fluff out the roots gradually. You will want to spread the roots out a little in their new planter so they can have room to grow. During this time, you can remove dead roots or dead leaves that are surrounding the plant.

Place The Succulent In The New Planter
After filling your potting container with soil, make a shallow hole in the soil and place your succulent in it. Use additional potting soil to cover any roots that may be sticking out. You may want to add more soil to make sure that the succulent is completely stable. The base of the plant must be covered with soil. However, make sure that the leaves are not covered with any soil. When the leaves are on top of the soil, they might get rotten. This is because they can soak up moisture from the soil.
Add A Personal Touch
After making sure that the plant is stable in its new home, then you can add some decorative elements to make it look attractive. For instance, you can add small rocks, sand, or pebbles on the top of your newly potted succulent. Just make sure that the material that you add can drain well so the water can run down into the soil.
Watering Them Instantly is Not Recommended
Generally, it is not recommended that you should water them right away. It all depends on the situation. For instance, when was the last time that the plant was watered? The need to water will depend on the type of succulent that you have chosen. The ideal thing to do is to wait for a week after transplanting your succulent. Always ensure that the soil is dry, before watering them. Water your succulents thoroughly, however, avoid drowning them. Make sure your soil drains well without leaving standing pools of water around your plant.
Maintain Your Succulent
After you have successfully transplanted your succulent, be sure to care for them properly. You can water them once a week or twice a week depending on the current weather condition. However, once the soil has dried up, then its time to water them. If the soil is still wet, then wait until it gets dry. Keep in mind that succulent plants are hardy. So… try experimenting to discover what works best for them.

Important Things to Remember When Transplanting Succulents
Succulents that have spines can thrive in a lot of sunlight. However, fleshy succulents cannot tolerate intense sunlight. They prefer a cooler environment. When choosing a perfect location for your succulent, this will entirely depend on the type of succulent that you want to grow.
For instance, if you are growing cacti, then it is not be appropriate to place them indoors around children or pets. Instead, you should consider transplanting them outdoors. On the other hand, if you want to grow fleshy succulents, then keep them indoors where there is less sunlight.
If your cactus on your patio has grown too tall, then you can transplant them to your garden. In this way, it can grow freely.
So, when is the best time to transplant your succulents? The perfect time to grow, repot, or transplant your succulents is during spring and summer. Succulents, that are best for warm weather conditions, should be transplanted between May and August. Of course, it’s fine to transplant them during winter. However, this is not the best time to grow them. It is recommended that you should wait until spring.
What is the best soil mixture for succulents? If the cactus mix is not available in your area, then you can choose organic potting mix. This type of soil can drain well. You could also choose to add some compost when transplanting your succulents. Some people prefer to mix their succulent soil. This is fine as long as it works for you. The most important thing is that the soil drains well. If you require drainage, you can add pumice or perlite.
At Eden Succulents, you can learn a lot about growing and caring for succulents. We try our best to keep you informed about the latest information about succulents. We hope that this guide has given you some insights on how to successfully transplant your succulents. If you have some questions or inquiries, then you can put them in the comments below.