Are you are one of the succulent growers who are passionate about caring for succulents and you are planning to propagate...
Top Tips in Growing and Caring for Sedum Succulents
Sedums are one of the most popular varieties of succulents. Succulents are well known for their fleshy leaves which makes...
How to Grow Aeonium Succulents
These succulents have a botanical name of Aeonium, however, it does not have a common name. Aeoniums are the type of...
Everything You Need to Know About Hardy Succulents
Most people think that succulents can only survive in the desert. Surprisingly, there are also some succulents that can...
Tips and Tricks for Growing Blue Cacti
Have you heard about blue cacti? Yes, the ones that have been all over social media! If you want blue cacti to be a part of...
How To Make A Succulent Wreath
The best holiday decorations are the ones you make by yourself or with your relatives and friends. Gather round because we...
What Succulent Plants Are Edible?
Most people love to grow succulents indoors or outdoors because they look incredible. Succulents are very popular because...
Seven Uses of Aloe Vera
The Aloe Vera succulent is one of the most famous and common succulents to keep at home. It brings with it a lot of...
Everything You Need To Know About Dolphin Succulents
Have you heard about the Dolphin Succulent? More and more individuals are joining the bandwagon and are starting to grow...
Are Succulents Poisonous To Cats?
Are you planning to grow succulents at home? If you have cats, the first question that you have to answer is "Are...