Do you know that these hardy succulents can thrive in the snow without damaging any parts of the plant? This is quite extraordinary for a plant that has a lot of water content. Here is a list of some hardy succulents that can thrive in warmer climates, but typically they are more suitable in places that don’t have tropical weather throughout the year. These hardy succulents are perfect for people who are residing in cooler regions. Additionally, this type of succulents does not need special irrigation, since it can survive in a natural environment.
Winter Hardy Succulents
Sempervivum is commonly known as hens and chicks. They can provide an impressive texture in your flower bed. These types of succulents come in different sizes. This plant blooms freely making it look great as a ground cover, although they can also look attractive on rock gardens.
Sedum spectabile “Autumn Joy”
This type of hardy succulent is a native plant of North America. However, they can thrive when exposed to cooler temperatures in other regions. Its leaves are lime green while its small flowers are in pink. The small flowers grow in bundles, making it look like loose broccoli florets.
The Autumn Joy can look great along with other garden perennials and looks more impressive when placed together with ornamental grasses. The color of its flowers will depend on the climate. Essentially, it can range from pale pink to the deepest shade of salmon.

Sedum spurium “Dragon’s Blood”
One of the key attractions in rock gardens is the Sedum spurium “Dragon’s Blood.” It can handle cold temperature very well and quickly attracts butterflies and other insects. This succulent can make an outstanding addition to your fruit plants.
These vigorous plants can spread extensively and has tiny, beautiful flowers. Sedum spurium does not require too much attention. It can survive in extreme sunlight with well-drained soil. It has pink flowers that can brighten up your garden.
Sedum telephium “Purple Emperor”
This succulent is quite similar to purple broccoli. The only difference is that it cannot be eaten. Its tiny buds grow in tight bunches and eventually, they can turn into flowers. Most people can easily get attracted to the Purple Emperor because of its unique color, making it an interesting contrast to green succulents.
This tall stonecrop has magnificent blooms that can lighten up a gloomy flower bed. Additionally, you can add lots of smaller plants to their surroundings.
Sedum reflexum “Angelina”
These succulents look more or less the same as ferns. They have abundant stems that generate numerous sponge-like leaves. Its colors can change from soft green to gold all through the years.
Angelina tends to spread tremendously. They can also stand out in your garden because of their unique colors. Unlike other succulents that come in greater greens and greys. These plants will bloom but not on a regular basis.
During the cold season, Angelina will turn into bronze. But when it gets warmer, they can turn into lime green or golden orange. These plants can survive during extreme weather. The color of Angelina changes as the season change. They can be used as an excellent floor coverage since its colors will keep on changing.

It is important to place them in the right position so they can grow healthier. Nevertheless, Orostachys are extremely hardy succulents. This means that they can survive both in cold and hot conditions. They can even thrive even if they are covered with some snow.
The bulb of this succulent is similar to a globe artichoke. It is also spiky just like a cactus. They are extremely tough since these succulents can thrive in excessive coldness, drought, too much heat, and even in poor soil conditions. However, they cannot survive in waterlogged soil, so be sure to put them in a place that they can drain quickly.
The most interesting fact about Jovibarba is it will look for its own spot if they do not enjoy their current space. It will generate a bunch of chicks that will spread and move away from its mother plant in an attempt to form a new group. These hardy succulents can interbreed successfully, so you can enjoy seeing a bunch of greens and pinks in your garden.
Jovibarba heuffelii
This succulent has a slight resemblance to the traditional Jovibarba. The difference is this one has a more open globe and the spikes at the edge of the leaf are more apparent. Additionally, Jovibarba heuffelii comes in a wide variety of colors including pinks, yellows, bronzes, and soft greens. These plants are difficult to kill, as long as they are not placed in soggy soil.
Jovibarba heuffelii is a hardy succulent that can grow during the toughest weather conditions. When drought comes, they will shrink a bit but will revive once they are watered. Hence, it is quite challenging to kill these succulents. They are perfect for any type of garden. However, they are more suitable for regions that have the tendency to experience long, extreme winters.
Build Your Hardy Succulent Garden
With these hardy succulents, you can now create your own succulent garden. One of the greatest benefits of having hardy succulents on your garden is the fact that they do not require too much attention. They can make your garden look amazing with its variety of colors regardless of what the weather is.
Whether you are a newbie, or you have grown a few succulents, there is a lot of valuable information that you can find at Eden Succulents. We want to help every succulent enthusiast grow and care for their succulents in the most effective way. Growing succulents can be fun! If you have any questions about hardy succulents, then please write them on the comments below!