The succulent known as "Aloe Vera" is a popular choice among those who are drawn to its unique, spiky appearance and its...
How to Care for Echeveria Purple Pearl
Succulents are commonly used in gardens if you want to add a splash of color, beauty, and uniqueness to any garden or...
How Often Do You Water A Cactus?
Nowadays, a lot of plant lovers have started growing succulents, specifically, cacti plants because they look amazing and...
The Top Six Must-Haves for Succulent Growers
When it is your first time to grow your succulents, it can be pretty overwhelming. Even if a succulent is indeed one of the...
How to Make an Indoor Succulent Garden
Succulents are cute and lovable and have been quite popular among homeowners as a part of decorations even indoors. Do you...
Best Fertilizers to Use for Your Succulents
Do you have a succulent plant? Are you interested in growing a succulent garden to pretty up your home? Do you know that...
What Are the Best Succulents to Grow in Winter?
Can you grow succulents in winter? Absolutely! You can brighten up your home with these attention-grabbing succulents even...
How to Reproduce Succulents
You might think that reproducing succulents is hard, but actually, it is quite simple. If you want to save some money, then...
Tips for Newbie Succulent Growers
We know you have been wanting to buy those stunning succulents you saw at the market. Maybe you have put off purchasing...
Why Are My Succulents Dying?
You just bought your set of succulents and you excitedly put them in your garden or on your living room table. Your...