Can you grow succulents in winter? Absolutely! You can brighten up your home with these attention-grabbing succulents even during the winter season.
Unfortunately, houseplants can suffer a lot during those cold temperatures. The leaves, stems, and flowers will become weak since they can’t get enough sunlight. If you overwater them, then they might get drown and die!
The good news is succulents can thrive even during the wintertime. These little guys are tough and do not even require lots of care. Best of all, they come in different shapes and colors to make your winter windowsill look attractive. Since succulents have a shallow root system, then you can simply plant them in small containers and line them up in your windowsill or over your kitchen sink. They don’t mind if you forgot to water them. Luckily, they don’t suffer during low humidity. Although they prefer bright light, yet they can easily adjust to low light.
So, if you want to bring joy and color to your home during this cold season, then succulents are the best option. Here are some of the finest hardy succulents that can thrive even when the winters are fierce.
Sempervivum (Hens and Chicks)
When it comes to winter succulents, sempervivum is on top of the list. One of the best features of these rosette-shaped succulents is the fact that it can generate several offspring. The large rosettes are known as the hens while the smaller ones that surround them are the chicks. They blossom throughout the year. The development of its colors will likely depend on some environmental factors. They are perfect for your rock garden. Butterflies can easily get attracted to their blooms.
Although Sempervivum means “live forever” in Latin, yet they cannot endure for a long period. However, you can easily reproduce them by using its chicks, which are the baby plants. They can be found near the mother plant, which is referred to as the hen. You can gently remove the chicks and repot them. They come in a variety of colors such as purple, gray, green, pink, or blue. Their colors look more vibrant when exposed to bright light or sunlight.

The gel from the leaves of the aloe can be used in a lot of ways. They are also very helpful in treating minor burns. That is why it is ideal to place them in the kitchen. Aloes can grow in bright lights whether it is artificial or natural. However, you should avoid overwatering them. Only water them once the soil has dried up. It is very easy to reproduce them, simply use a knife in cutting its pups. Let them dry for a few days before repotting them.
Jade Plant (Crassula Ovata)
If you want to bring good luck into your home, then you should choose jade plants. These plants are not as tough as the other succulents since they can’t endure too much drought. Hence, it is recommended that you should keep their soil wet but not too much since their leaves might fall off. Usually, they can grow into little trees, making it too heavy on top. To prevent them from tipping over, you have to use a wide container that can keep them upright.
Stonecrop Sedums
Sedum consists of hundreds of species and one of the best species to grow during the wintertime is Stonecrop Sedums. These plants are robust and can grow tall. They are a great addition to your rock garden and garden beds. However, they can also thrive in containers. Its blooms can quickly attract bees and butterflies. Sedum Angelina has needlelike leaves that can transform into different colors. During the winter its foliage can turn into copper-orange.
Opuntia Pinta Rita
Among the different varieties of succulent cactus, Opuntia Pinta Rita is a standout because of its unique colors. The leaves are in turquoise with a blush of purple. It also consists of lemon-yellow blooms that can last from spring to fall. Hummingbirds are quickly attracted to its blooms. Opuntia Pinta Rita can grow well in your rock garden.

The flowers of Kalanchoes are usually sold in flower shops most especially during the wintertime. They come in different colors including yellow, pink, red, orange, and white. Kalanchoe’s blooms can last for a few weeks, however, reblooming seems to be a bit difficult. These plants need some time to rest before the flower buds will appear. The good news is Kalanchoes are very affordable, so you can simply buy a new one in case it won’t bloom anymore.
Delosperma is one of the most well-known succulents for winter, which is why it is also known as the ice plant. These plants are usually used for commercial purposes. When used as a ground cover, their blooms can instantly entice butterflies and honeybees. Delosperma Cooperi can also look nice in hanging baskets and containers.
Lemon Coral Sedum
These lime green succulents can provide a great aesthetic to your windowsill. They are robust enough to tolerate drought and heat. Lemon Coral Sedum is a great option if you want to have a mixture of succulents on your container. When the winter is done, you can transfer them to your rock garden.
Agave can make any garden look wonderful. It has great sculptural features but some of them cannot tolerate too much coldness. Agave Parryi is a rosette-shaped succulent that has serrated leaves. It will take some time before its blossoms appear however they can entice hummingbirds. You can easily reproduce them through its offspring which will appear before it starts to bloom.
These are just some of the best succulents that you can grow during the wintertime. All of these plants are very easy to grow and can look incredible in your garden or container.
Eden Succulents wants to make sure that you enjoy growing and upkeeping your succulents. That is why we want to give you the latest information on how you can take care of these plants. If you want to share your thoughts or if you have any questions, then please leave them in the comment below! We’d be happy to hear from you!